Laura on Focus Atlanta - October 14, 2018
Sharing more family meals together translates to SO many health benefits - but the struggle is REAL when it comes to making them happen!...

When Are Diet Trends Not Your Friends?
Let’s have some ‘real talk’ today about why & when popular DIET TRENDS are not your friends. Tune in to this month’s #HealthierYouin2 for...

It’s the tail end of Kids Eat Right Month! Now is the time to check in with your child’s nutrition habits - the good😊, the bad☹️ & the...

How Well Are YOU Hydrating?
Think watching your water intake is a waste? Think again! More water may be what’s missing in your quest for better health. Here’s how...

It's National Smoothie Day!
Some things are just meant for each other - like smoothies & summer! ☀️It’s National Smoothie Day - so slurp down a nutrient-rich sweet...

Does Coffee Really Cause Cancer?
You may have heard about coffee's acrylamide content in recent headlines - and wondered whether it warrants saying goodbye to your...

What's A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist?
How is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist different from a 'Nutritionist'? Are they the same thing? [Spoiler Alert: They are not!] Check...

ABCs of Healthy Resolutions That Last
Ready to throw in the towel on your 2018 resolutions? You're not alone...but not so fast! Here are the ABCs of revamping your resolutions...

Wishing You A Happy, Healthy & Never Hangry Holiday Season
Christmas is coming early this year for all of you well-intentioned dieters: You really DON'T need to 'scrooge' the season by skipping...

Immunity-Boosting Breakfast Ideas
Cold & flu season is coming! Check out these nutrition tips to help your family stay healthy by bolstering the immune system - one...